MKE Week 14 – New Year

I’ve missed a couple weeks on my blog and need to get back in gear and focus. The last couple of weeks have been ups and downs. We all know that sometimes life throws us a curve when we least expect it, and how we react to it makes all the difference. With learning my lessons in the MKE, they definitely helped me stay more positive than my own blueprint would’ve allowed.

One thing that I really realized, is fear is very hard to overcome. Even though I have strong faith, not knowing the outcome still can scare me in certain situations. For instance, my mother was very ill and hospitalized this last week. Seeing her so weak and sick scared me. I don’t know if that kind of fear is ever conquered. I just kept having faith in the universe that she would start to heal and get better; and she is! It’s going to take some time; yet she will get stronger and healthier.

With this learning experience and remembering the lessons of the MKE, I know I have to focus and apply myself more than I have been to achieve not only my bliss, but also the smaller, yet important, things in life.

Here’s to 2019 being the first of many best years yet to come!

MKE Weeks 10 and 11 – Tough

We had a break for Week 10 since it was Thanksgiving. So, I thought between weeks 10 and 11, I could really bear down and work strong on everything. For some reason the lessons were a struggle for me to read; they just weren’t clicking. And since they weren’t clicking, they didn’t seem to be sinking in. I also listen to them when I am riding in the car, and even listening, it’s like my brain did not want to hear them.

And I seem distracted again, while for weeks I was very focused and stay on task. These couple weeks I was not on that path.

Maybe my old blueprint is clinging on hard, maybe the holidays made things more difficult because my schedule was off and being with family, or a combination of all the above.

On ward to the next chapter!

MKE Week 8 and 9 – Moving On

I’ve been under the weather and some of it is stress driven. The salon I work at (I’m a self-employed Esthetician/Skin Care Specialist and rent space in the salon), the tension is high. The biggest problem is the owner is ready to retire and hasn’t kept the place up in years. A few of us are very close, so it makes it hard to leave; especially since we’d like to stay together.

Thoughts turn into things! It does happen! One of my coworkers was presented by a couple who owns some property and would like to open a new salon! YES! Our prayers have been answered! We are moving to a brand new Salon with owners who care about us and the Salon.

Even with not feeling well and struggling with getting all my readings in, it still happened. It makes me realize, the more I give MKE, the more I will receive. I’m so grateful! More to come on the move and becoming the best me!